My neighbor asked if Emma had enrolled in school yet and I told her she was too young for kindergarten and I don't want to pay for day care, plus I like her being home with me, she is great company! She then tells me that right next door to the kids school is an early childhood development center, which is FREE!!!! Alabama should really look into this lottery thing, it is really unbelievable what the benefits are, yes I am sure there are downfalls just like everything else has them, but the schools seem to benefit greatly from it!
So, me and Emma take a tour of the school just to get the paperwork and stuff we needed to have her registered and before I signed a thing Emma was in the class playing and stayed the rest of the day. It is from 8-11 but it gets the children ready for kindergarten. Then I can hang out with Emma before the other kids get home. She is so funny, she loves being able to interact with all the kids and really just loves life! Today at her school they are having a Christmas shop where she gets to buy a present for Mike, Taylor and Allen and it gets wrapped and she gets to put it under the Christmas tree, which we will get this weekend, I hope! Have I mentioned I just love my new little city!!
Awesome Blog! Thanks for keeping us updated. You should post a blog full of pics of the house and town.