Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pizza Party!

Yesterday was the kids; last day of school before there Christmas break.  Emma had a pajama party at school and watched the Polar Express and swapped book presents; she brought Tangled to give to someone.  Taylor had her Christmas party and made gingerbread houses.

Allen had a party and they didn't swap any presents.  They made their teachers chocolate chip cookies and fudge and gave them dry erase markers with it.  It was a practical present but they were excited to give the teachers something.  I didn't get to go to any of their parties to take pictures because I had to take advantage of free time, two days three hours each, thats all I had for Christmas shopping.

Friday nights are our pizza and a movie night and before I went to the store I talked to Jenny for a bit, and remembered Allen always talked about making his own pizza at her house so I thought we would do it.  We made the pizza's, they were huge and after the first slice the kids were stuffed.  We watched Disney's A Christmas Carol and The last Airbender.


 They had so much fun making their own pizza and watching the movie. 

Mike really likes his job, he does think it is boring but he says he is "big time" now haha! Last night he was walking down the street in Tampa and carrying our Alabama flag that we put up every game day; he was taking it to a diversity thing they had at his company (KPMG).  He said when he walked down the street people were gator chomping him, one (smart) person yelled out a Roll Tide to him but mainly he was heckled by the Florida fans! He thought that was hilarious.

It is going to be sad not seeing everyone during Christmas this year, I think the saddest part will not be able to see Mandi and Bo's sweet little Trey and Finley when they are born.  I know they are so excited about having those two sweet little babies.  What an awesome Christmas present!

Everybody have a safe and happy Christmas! 


  1. Thanks Daphne I enjoy the photos add some of you and Mike every once in while, your mother cried when she heard Bob Marley singing every things gonna be alright, I'm starting to tear up a bit my self.bye love you

  2. How fun. I know the kids are having a good time. I love yall very much and miss you so much.


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